Why Windows Ink Is So Useful In The Business Setting


While computers, laptops, and tablets are incredible tools for productivity, there are many who miss the ability to scrawl out their ideas by hand. However, Microsoft has developed a means for your business to enjoy the benefits of both approaches with Windows Ink. You may be familiar with the digital tablets that many artists use […]

Tip of the Week: Making Your Excel Use Easier


When it comes to making a spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel is the go-to program for many users. However, many of these users spend much more time creating and formatting these spreadsheets than they have to. For today’s tip, we’ll outline some experience-improving shortcuts that can improve how you use Excel. Auto Sum ShortcutYou can use Excel […]

Tip of the Week: Using Shortcuts Can Improve Your Microsoft Outlook Experience


Microsoft Outlook is a great tool that can help your business stay in touch with clients and vendors, as well as stay updated regarding your internal operations. However, did you know that you probably aren’t using Outlook to the best of its abilities? We’ll walk you through some of the easiest ways to help you […]

Microsoft OneNote May Be the Best Note-Taking Tool on the Market


Most modern PCs come pre-installed with a handy tool by Microsoft called OneNote (and it’s also included with Office 365). Today, we’ll run through the features that OneNote offers that make it a useful business tool. Keep in mind, we’ll be focusing on OneNote 2016. Older versions of OneNote have some of the same features, […]

“The Worst” Windows Bug is Now Taken Care of, Thanks to Google


When a security researcher tweeted about what they thought was “the worst Windows remote code exec” in his memory, a recent incident came to mind: one that allowed a targeted file to implement remote code execution processes in order to manipulate any infected system. This vulnerability let the infected machine spread the issue to others […]

Microsoft “Slims” Down Windows 10 With New Operating System


Have you ever tried using a Google Chromebook for work purposes? While it might offer the ability to browse the web on a budget, the device is limited by the operating system’s lack of functionality. Microsoft has created a similar operating system in the form of Windows 10 S, which uses less processing power than […]

Latest Windows 10 Update Has Kindle Users Feeling Blue… Screen of Death


Have you have recently plugged in your Kindle and received a blue screen of death? Many Kindle users have found that Windows 10’s anniversary update is creating an issue in the way that Kindle transfers books and charges via a USB connection. Some users are reporting that connecting a Kindle to a Windows 10 device […]

Alert: Microsoft’s Latest Patches Address 27 Vulnerabilities


Microsoft recently issued security patches to fix 27 vulnerabilities, many of which are critical in nature. The vulnerabilities are significant and popular titles are affected like Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, and the new Edge browser. Microsoft users that ignore these security patches are putting their system at unnecessary risk. If you’ve already applied the […]

Microsoft Moves to Get a Piece of the Technology as a Service Market Share


Microsoft has been looking to cover more ground in the business environment by offering a new Technology as a Service (TaaS) offering, which will allow small businesses to purchase Surface products, accessories, and support for their devices, all with a monthly payment plan. Also, when it comes time to upgrade, customers can easily make the […]

What You Need to Know About Upgrading to Windows 10


It’s been over two years since Microsoft stopped providing Windows XP with security updates and patches. The Windows operating system was known as one of the most popular Windows operating systems ever. Both businesses and consumers were affected by this major update, being forced to migrate to more recent operating systems in order to stay […]

How Today’s Teens React to Windows 95 [VIDEO]


Do you remember the good old days of Windows 95? The nostalgia factor might be one reason to bring this up again, but the fact remains that Windows has changed significantly over the past twenty years; so much so that teenagers who were born just twenty years ago, after the introduction of Windows 95, may […]

SharePoint Brings Dynamic Collaboration to Your Business


Every business needs a platform they can use to securely store, organize, share, and access the mission-critical information needed to keep operations running smoothly. SharePoint is Microsoft’s intranet solution for enterprises of all shapes and sizes, and it’s worth looking into for your data needs. SharePoint is part of the Microsoft Office 365 family, which […]

Tip of the Week: 4 Windows 10 Features that Let You Do More


With Windows 10’s arrival comes all sorts of great new features, many of which are unprecedented. Here are four new features that you should check out on your Windows 10 device. Microsoft OneDrive IntegrationMicrosoft’s cloud storage solution, OneDrive, is a major focus with Windows 10, especially with the cloud growing more important for modern companies. […]

Microsoft Salutes the US Navy for Sticking with Windows XP


Have you already arranged for your upgrade to Windows 10 on July 29th? If so, good for you. You’ve made a decision that, last year, several Windows XP users went without. However, those who went without upgrading to a more recent operating system are now feeling the effects of having to purchase custom support from […]

Microsoft Takes a Business-Centric Approach With Its Mobile Strategy, Part I


Just like the personal computer before it, smartphones have become essential pieces of technology that are practically required in order to complete mission-critical tasks. However, the primary advantage that these devices have over the popular PC is that they’re vastly more mobile and designed for use on the go. Are users able to increase productivity […]

Microsoft Skips Windows 9 While Most of the World Skips Windows 8


The release of Windows 10 is fast approaching, and it’s suspected that it will arrive sometime this summer. However, Microsoft’s latest OS release, Windows 8.1, is still being left in the dust by Windows 7 in terms of sheer popularity and usage. What’s the current state of Microsoft’s Windows OS economy? ComputerWorld reports that two-thirds […]

Windows Server 2003 End of Support Date Looms on the Horizon


The next major operating system to get the ax from Microsoft is Windows Server 2003. Slated to have its mainstream support ended on July 14th, businesses that currently use the software need to begin making plans to upgrade their system as soon as possible. With this server operating system no longer being supported by Microsoft, […]