Tip of the Week: Improve Your Business’ Wi-Fi


For many businesses, a wireless network connection plays a large role in what they do. The people who make your organization work require access to a continuous Internet connection to ensure collaboration can happen with minimal trouble, but it also means that more productivity can happen throughout the workday on your employees’ terms. Therefore, the […]

Powerful Physical Security Options


Data security isn’t the easiest thing in the world to plan for, especially if your organization doesn’t have any dedicated security professionals on-hand. While protecting your data with traditional methods, like passwords, firewalls, and antivirus, is important, what measures are you taking to make sure a thief or hacker isn’t just walking into your office […]

The Rise of Machine Learning for Small Businesses


A.I. is one of those technologies that captivates the imagination with endless possibilities. You can’t turn your head these days without using something integrated with early artificial intelligence. Machine learning platforms, which are very rudimentary forms of A.I. are now being used to improve many of the tools a small business uses. Today, we will […]

Tip of the Week: Change Display Settings in Windows 10


One of the easiest ways you can customize your Windows 10 experience is by changing your device’s display settings. There are plenty of settings to change as per your specific needs, so this week’s tip will be dedicated to getting the most out of your displays, whether it’s a large new monitor you got over […]

How to Get the Right Cloud Solution for Your Business


As technology has become a greater part of today’s working environment, the need for a business to have somewhere to procure the requisite devices from has increased. This is why many businesses serve as vendors, the go-between for the producers of these devices and the businesses looking to purchase them. For obvious reasons, these vendors […]

You’ll Be Glad You Protected Your Google Account


Computer users today more than likely have a Google account, either for business or personal use. Not only is it accessible and convenient, it offers a versatile assortment of features. Regardless, no amount of accessibility, convenience, or versatility are worth your security. However, many users put precisely that, their security, at risk… often without even […]

Know Your Tech: PDF


For computer enthusiasts one of the major questions has always been Mac vs. PC. Most people prefer one over the other, while some are fine using either. The problem with having two popular non-compatible computer systems is that they each use proprietary file types. For documents, the answer was developed by Adobe: the PDF. Today, […]

An IT Christmas Carol


The IT guy, Jacob left last month: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. He left without an exit interview, and he didn’t seem very pleased with the way the situation played out. You could never tell if Scrooge cared or not. His demands have never wavered. He expected perfection and when […]

Infected Applications Removed from Google Play Store


We all download apps. There are literally millions of apps to choose from and sometimes nefarious developers can get their application published with ulterior motives. A situation has just happened as Google has removed twenty-two apps that were found to contain automated click-fraud scripts from the Google Play Store. We’ll take a short look at […]

Tip of the Week: Locating a Misplaced Smartphone


The great thing about smartphones, in a business sense, is how portable they are – you can literally be productive almost anywhere. Unfortunately, this also means that they can be lost almost anywhere. Luckily, there just so happens to be a feature built into Android that can help you find yours. The Stakes Are High […]

Your IT Wish List: How to Improve Your Business


The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the spirit of gift giving. Your IT department would certainly appreciate receiving a few gifts of their own to dabble with over the next business year. We’ve compiled a list of the best technology you can get your IT department to save them both time […]

Powerful Smartphones That are Currently On the Market


With the new innovations made to smartphones every year, you’d be hard-pressed to understand how the global smartphone has hit the skid. While Apple and Samsung sit pretty with large market shares, manufacturers that we’ve come to expect near the top of the smartphone market: Blackberry, HTC, and Nokia are but bit players. Their largest […]

Tip of the Week: 4 Really Simple Tips for the Computer Novice


If you work with a computer, you know that if you can find shortcuts, you use them. Not only do they help you be more productive by making your tasks easier to complete, they can actually help you be MORE effective at completing those tasks. Today, we have four simple tips that can help you […]

Clearing Up a Few Common MSP Misunderstandings


Let’s be real: the title “managed service provider” doesn’t cast much insight into what we do on a daily basis. Even when people understand what we do, there are a lot of parts that confuse them and lead them to false conclusions. As a result, we wanted to take a few minutes and go over […]

As 2018 Ends, Mobile Cyberthreats Won’t


Mobile devices have made conducting business much more convenient, as the right application can allow transactions to be made from anywhere you may be reading this blog. However, this increased accessibility has come with a price – threats to mobile security – which requires any business to be aware of the state of cybersecurity, especially […]

How You Can Get Microsoft Office Certified


There are many reasons, both personal and professional, that you may want to consider adding a few certifications to your expertise. Today, we’ll discuss how you and your staff can become certified Microsoft Office Specialists on Microsoft Office 2016, and why you may want to consider doing so. Why You Want An MOS (Or Any […]

VoIP and Other Business Phone Options


Telephones have been around for so long that nobody alive today lived in a time where they weren’t in use. While the general use for the telephone has remained the same, the major difference between older telephone systems and many of the telephone platforms available today is how they are deployed. Businesses have more options […]

SMB Human Resources and Payroll Find a Home in the Cloud


It’s no secret that cloud computing has become a major part of what most small businesses’ operations. One aspect of business administration that many businesses keep in-house is their HR department. Today, we’ll take a look at HR and payroll software, and how moving your business’ human resources department to the cloud is a good […]

Tip of the Week: Useful Shortcuts for Google


Google is well-known for being a go-to provider for Internet-related services and solutions. Your business might already be taking advantage of them, but are you using them to the best of your ability? With keyboard shortcuts and other various tips and tricks, you’ll be able to take advantage of them in previously unforeseen ways. Here […]

The Benefits of Data Backup Far Outweigh the Costs


Businesses don’t like to spend money on solutions they don’t need. You’d rather make sure you hit payroll, dish out Christmas bonuses, and have something left over to grow. With this in mind, a business that doesn’t properly back up their data might not get a chance to make payroll, dish out bonuses, or even […]