Tip of the Week: Are Workplace Wellness Programs Effective? It Depends


Workplace wellness programs, despite being an $8 billion industry, are a bit of a quandary for employers – as the jury is still out over whether or not these kinds of programs are effective. For this week’s tip, we’ll examine if a wellness program might be a good fit for you. Study after study has […]

Even Small Businesses are Targets for Hackers


Do you ever think of your business as too small of a target to matter to hackers? Some organizations actually do believe this, and that notion is effectively a trap. The thing that all businesses need to keep in mind is that all organizations, regardless of which industry they fall into, as all companies have […]

Staff Education Goes a Long Way in Preventing Security Issues


In a perfect world, keeping your antivirus updated and having a good firewall in place would be enough to protect your business from cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, most attacks still come in through email, and can slip by your users. Even the most complex cybersecurity platforms used by massive corporations and governments can be foiled by […]

Tip of the Week: How to Utilize Your Business’ Email


Email seems to be a pretty basic workplace tool, but like any tool, there are many ways to use it. From sending emails to managing tasks and messages from your inbox, let’s discuss a few tips and best practices to help you use your email like a true professional. Properly Managing Your Email Like a […]

What Does Your Business’ IT Infrastructure Look Like?


Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) simply don’t have the large budgets that come with running an enterprise, and because of this, many of them have trouble affording IT maintenance and management. In a similar sense, these smaller organizations struggle with planning out an IT infrastructure. Does your business have a plan in place? What Does […]

Is Blockchain a Shield for Cybercrime?


Blockchain technology is all the rage these days. Business owners are going to start hearing this buzzword as a bullet point in software solutions. Developers from all over the world are trying to harness the power of encrypted, distributed data, mainly due to the reputation that blockchain has regarding the “unhackable” permanence of the data […]

Tip of the Week: Company Culture Can Be a Huge Business Strength


When considering a business’ strengths, there is a tendency to focus on its more quantifiable aspects – it generates x dollars in revenue, or leverages advanced solutions a, b, and c. While these kinds of competitive advantages are valuable to have, it is also important to recognize how critical one of your more qualifiable strengths […]

Cloud Services Can Help You Build a Better Business


Cloud computing is a major part of most businesses today. In the past, businesses had to pay in-house technicians to research, design, and purchase the infrastructure needed to run an onsite server. This was expensive, especially if a business wasn’t able to get the solution they needed the first time around. Cloud computing has changed […]

Taking an Exploratory Stab at Spear Phishing


Chances are, you’ve heard of “phishing” – a cybercriminal’s scam that steals data, access credentials, and other sensitive information by fooling a user into thinking they are providing this information to someone who is supposed to have access to it. However, there are a few different kinds of phishing, based on how it is carried […]

Tip of the Week: Proactive Maintenance Keeps Tech Running Smoothly


Whether they are expected or not, there will always be situations when your business incurs some damage or loss due to natural disasters, downtime, or other issues. You might find that a little preparation could have kept some of the disaster at bay, and it could honestly save you a ton in terms of lost […]

Efficiency Is More Likely to Produce Business Success


Business can be tricky, especially if you’re good at it. It’s important to know when to be comfortable with your position without starting to feel complacent. If you fall into this trap, you’ll be running the risk of hindering your organization’s growth, potentially blocking any future successes. Operations change over time. It’s likely that your […]

Small and Medium-Sized Businesses are Using Enterprise Technology


Compared to an enterprise corporation, a small-to-medium-sized business is going to have far fewer resources, especially in terms of its IT. Having said this, an SMB isn’t necessarily without a few quality options. Let’s review the needs that any business needs to have filled, and how they can do so with the right solutions. Need […]

Tip of the Week: How to Set your Default Video App in Windows 10


Windows 10 is a great operating system, but it changes up the formula a bit in regard to default applications for certain types of files. Anyone who has been using a computer for any amount of time has their preferred applications for watching videos or listening to music. We’ll show you how to set your […]

Know Your Cables


One thing that all offices gradually accumulate over time is a surplus of cables. Each device you have is compatible with a specific cable, but identifying them all can be challenging. In today’s blog article, we’ll outline some of the common cable types and what you might need them for. USB Cable Types The Universal […]

What Does Internet Rights Advocacy Mean?


The Internet is a vast and amazing place. Some have even argued that it is one of people’s best-ever inventions. Some would push it further by actively attempting to outline what rights an Internet user has. Advocacy groups have been popping up, and while it has had a marked effect on public policy in more […]

What You Need to Consider About BYOD


One of the biggest buzzwords in business these days is BYOD – Bring Your Own Device – and for good reason. There are plenty of operational benefits that an organization can enjoy by adopting a BYOD policy; but, BYOD isn’t an inherently perfect solution, which means that businesses that leverage it need to do so […]

Determining Your Organization’s Cloud Needs


The cloud is one of the most valuable tools available to modern businesses, but the extent to which organizations utilize it will vary depending on their specific needs. For example, some organizations might be fine with the limited control offered by the public cloud, but others might need more dynamic features and control over their […]

Virtual Reality has a Limitless Future


Virtual reality, or VR, is a technology that not many people understand how to make the most of. Most people’s experiences with VR is something that is achieved through a third-party application, be it a smartphone or a full-fledged headset. Most of those who experience VR do so without a first-person perspective, with only 16 […]

Tip of the Week: Your Phone Can Work as Your Security Key


If you’re like most people nowadays, your mobile phone is currently well within your reach (and that’s assuming you aren’t reading this blog on it). The fact that most people keep their phone on them at all times has greatly contributed to these devices becoming a part of any given work-related process. One major way […]

How to Mitigate Unhappy Online Opinions


As nice as it would be to always please everybody with your business services, it just isn’t going to happen. Sooner or later, you’re going to encounter someone who isn’t pleased, and they’re going to have the capability to do some damage to your reputation. Fortunately, there is a way you can mitigate this damage. […]