Preparing for the Next Wave of Cyberthreats


The past couple of years have been difficult for businesses, regardless of if they are large organizations or small businesses. Likewise, cybersecurity has been a challenge. Let’s take a look at what 2022 could pose for cybersecurity, especially considering recent trends. Prediction: Attacks Will Shift in Method and Severity The increase in remote and hybrid […]

Do Humans Create Bias in the AI We’ve Developed?


Science fiction shows artificial intelligence to be an entity compelled purely by logic, driven only by objective facts. AI tools used by businesses and in the real world, however, are a far cry from this perception. AI systems have some biases in their operations. Let’s take a look at some of them and how you […]

Why Is Microsoft Warning Users About Password Spraying?


As modern warfare has evolved, so too has cyberwarfare. There is always a war occurring in cyberspace, where hackers attempt to outdo security researchers. One such example of hackers—often sponsored by government agencies—attempting to engage in cyberwarfare can be seen in the United States and Israeli technology sectors, which have become the target of password […]

Avoiding Network Bottlenecks Can Help Your Business Be More Productive


As time passes and your business accomplishes great things, you might find yourself in positions where your network cannot handle its normal everyday workload. When there is so much network traffic and data transference, it can be difficult to identify where and why this slowdown occurs. What is a network bottleneck, and how can you […]

Can Your Business Find VR Useful?


Virtual reality is pretty neat, and many of today’s applications include it as one of their headlining features. With major companies like Facebook, Sony, HTC, and HP buying into virtual reality, one has to question what VR can offer in a business setting. Virtual Reality Explained Some folks believe that VR is nothing more than […]

Considering the Optimal IT Experience


As cliche as it sounds, one of the best ways to create a more positive workplace is to simply put more positivity into it. Let’s exercise this for a moment by setting the often-talked-about worst-case scenario to the side, and focus on what the optimal experience could be with the right technology management in place. […]

What Happens to a Recycled Computer?


Do you know what you are supposed to do with electronics that are no longer of any use? Let’s quickly go over the process of properly disposing of electronic devices and the steps that make up the procedures involved. Why Shouldn’t I Just Throw Out My Old Technology? There are a few reasons why the […]

Our Technicians Can Deliver A Lot of Value


If you don’t properly maintain your technology, then it’s simply not going to be one of your company’s strengths. It’s a simple statement, but it’s one that many modern businesses fail to act upon. A managed service provider can make it much easier to get the technology maintenance your business needs to succeed. Let’s take […]

3 Practical Uses for Blockchain Technology


Blockchain has been one of the most talked-about new technologies for several years now. When we first heard about it, it had the potential to solve hundreds of problems, but there weren’t any real-world applications available. Today, we’ll take a look at three applications for blockchain that are available today. What Is Blockchain? For those […]

What are the Pros and Cons of a “Workation?”


Remote work has become more legitimate than ever before to the point that people can now work effectively anywhere and not just their homes. This brings up an interesting question, however, as this trend means that one could effectively work while they’re on a vacation.  Let’s examine this trend of the “workation.”  What is a […]

U.S. Government Making an Effort to Stop Exploits


Earlier this year, there was a string of high-profile ransomware attacks leveraged against major companies. Now, the United States has issued an order that dictates guidelines for how to patch various vulnerabilities in affected systems within federal agencies and organizations. It’s a huge move in an effort to stop hackers and other cyberthreats from becoming […]

Technology is Center Stage on Black Friday and Cyber Monday


The holidays are rapidly approaching and each year people position themselves to get the best deals they can on all the potential gifts, whether they are gifts to themselves, or to others. Like many other years, bargain shoppers wake up from their tryptophan naps, bundle up, and head out to try and score the best […]

Network Security Cannot Be Ignored


You see the headlines every single day while browsing the Internet: “So-and-So Suffers Massive Data Breach” or “Huge Data Breach Leaves Thousands of Credentials Exposed to Hackers.” Maybe you don’t see these specific headlines, but you get the idea; cybersecurity is a big deal these days, and you need to take it seriously before your […]

The Top VoIP Features Make Switching a No-Brainer


Just like business has changed dramatically over the years, so too have the tools they use to remain successful. One such tool is the telephone system, which is now capable of a host of impressive features that make it vital to the success of any business. What does hosted VoIP bring to the table, and […]

You Shouldn’t Let Opportunity Cost Dictate Your Path Forward


Have you ever felt the anxiety of missing out on something for no real logical reason? This fear, also known as the “fear of missing out,” (or FOMO) is applicable not just in social situations, but in the business and professional world as well. The concept might seem rather juvenile in nature, but it is […]

You Can Tell a Lot About Your Business by Monitoring Your Network


Network security is one aspect of your business that absolutely should not be underestimated. In fact, many companies fail to adequately monitor their networks, and it can lead to many complications down the road. Why is it so critical to monitor your network, and how can you make sure that your business is actually doing […]

In the Wrong Hands, AI is Dangerous


Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a technology that many industries have found themselves benefiting greatly from, especially in the domains of cybersecurity and automation. Unfortunately, for every one great use of something, hackers will find two bad uses for it. AI has dramatically changed the landscape of cybersecurity and, more interestingly, cybercrime. Let’s take a […]

A 5-Step Guide to Troubleshooting Technology Problems


When something goes wrong, it makes sense that you have a process in place to go over the issue and find a solution. This process, also known as troubleshooting, will have several variables that must be accounted for, but the general process itself remains unchanged. Here are the five steps to troubleshooting any problem, as […]

Companies Are Using AI to Shield Their Network from Outside Threats


Businesses need all of the advantages they can get against threats, especially considering the fact that many of them adapt and evolve in response to advances in security measures. Some security researchers are seeing great success with artificial intelligence measures, a concept that could eventually become the future of network security in the business world. […]

It’s Possible to Change Your Bad Habits. Today, We Explain


Have you ever wondered how it is that people can build up bad habits over time, yet break them and establish better ones? Have you also noticed how difficult it can be to break habits that have been ingrained into the very fibers of our being over an extended period of time? Believe it or […]