Tip of the Week: Keep Google Keep Working For You


There are a lot of Android apps that are good for productivity, but Google Keep offers a particularly significant advantage. Today we’ll take a brief look at Google Keep and tell you about some features that will help you use it proficiently. Labels Instead of categorizing your notes into folders and notebooks, Keep is organized […]

Tip of the Week: Keeping Track of Changes Made in Excel


With today’s software solutions, the fact that collaboration is possible has helped many business processes move more efficiently. Despite this, there is also the potential for these solutions to contribute to confusion within your business. Take, for instance, changes people make in Microsoft Excel. Fortunately, Excel offers a means for you to track changes made. […]

Tip of the Week: What Google Lens Can Do


Not many Android users are aware of the Google Lens application, and the supplemented utility that it can bring to your device’s camera. Let’s fix that by going over what Google Lens is, and how you can use it to your advantage. Explaining Google Lens Downloadable from the Google Play Store, Google Lens is a […]

Tip of the Week: Minding Your Manners in the Office Again


In the office, there are certain courtesies that most people follow, simply to make sure that the environment remains a peaceful and effective place to work. Working at home (as many have) makes many of these courtesies redundant. As many return to the office, resuming these manners will be important. Let’s go over some of […]

Tip of the Week: Simple Solutions to a Few Android Problems


While the Android platform is a highly capable mobile platform, there are a few oddities baked in that can create some annoyances for the user. To help you out, we’ve assembled a few tips to help you prevent these annoyances from impacting your use of your mobile device. Screen Rotating Too Much? Lock It in […]

Tip of the Week: 2 Wi-Fi Tips for Your Home or Office


The COVID-19 pandemic has a lot of people spending a lot of time at home. As a result many people are getting more out of their Internet service. With school starting back up and people still working from home, the Internet needs to be available for everyone in the house. One of the best ways […]

Tip of the Week: Specifying Your Google Queries


Searching for something on Google seems stunningly self-explanatory: type in what you’re looking for, press Enter, and like magic, it appears. However, there is a lot more that you can do, if you know how to use Google’s full capabilities. Let’s go over how these capabilities can be harnessed to your advantage as you perform […]

Tip of the Week: Warning Signs of a Mobile Malware Infection


If you’re the average business user today, you probably rely on a smartphone to manage much of your life, both personally and in the professional sense. As our phones have become so central to our lives, hackers now have the opportunity to attack through malicious applications. For this week’s tip, we wanted to go over […]

Tip of the Week: Useful Excel Shortcuts


When most people think “spreadsheet,” they’re thinking about Microsoft Excel. Yet, for how well-known it is, many people are unaware of many of its capabilities. This is particularly true of the shortcuts available to properly format these spreadsheets. For this week’s tip, we’re sharing a few of these formatting tips. Quick and Easy Tables Let’s […]

Tip of the Week: How to Work Best While Working Remotely


While remote work has been more widely implemented than ever as of late, many people still find themselves struggling to remain productive throughout their workday. We wanted to share a few tips to help them really make the most of working from home. Dictate Your Environment One of the psychological keys to effectively working from […]

Tip of the Week: Reviewing Some Remote Work Best Practices


Despite many having to work from home for some time now, a lot of these people still haven’t quite gotten the hang of remote productivity or have developed some less-than-productive habits. This week, we’re providing these people with a few remedial tips to make their efforts while working from home as effective as possible. Figure […]

Tip of the Week: Bookmarking Your Google Documents


Productivity is always an important consideration when it comes to your business’ processes. That’s why, for this week’s tip, we’re going over how to boost your productivity by adding some of your G Suite documents into your bookmarks bar. If you use the selection of tools that Google offers as a part of its G […]

Tip of the Week: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Clientbase


One of the most important things that your business needs to do—especially now—is to communicate with the clients you serve. To guide you into doing so to the best of your abilities, let’s go over some tips for you and your team to keep in mind pertaining to your communications. 1.  Use the Best Tool […]

Tip of the Week: Four Tools to Improve Business Productivity


Today’s software solutions are generally built with a single goal in mind: productivity. Here, we wanted to go over a few tools that any business seeking improved efficiency in its operations should strongly consider, especially based on what the world has been experiencing recently. Instant Messaging Instant messaging is a handy utility for any team […]

Tip of the Week: How to Effectively Task Out Goals and Assignments


There is a lot that needs to be done in the typical business each day, and with so many steps involved in each process, it can be difficult to stay on track. Without the right information, it is basically impossible to remain productive. To help keep up your productivity and morale, we’ve put together a […]

Tip of the Week: 3 Crucial Considerations when Managing Projects


In the workplace, projects are used to push operations forward. This makes your ability to manage your business’ projects truly important as the global economy turns back on. To help, we’re sharing three tips that will help you most effectively do so. 1.  Communicate, communicate, communicate. Even in the best of times, clear and comprehensive […]

Tip of the Week: Keyboard Shortcuts for Convenient Browsing


With its all-purpose functionality really coming to the forefront in the office, your Internet browser is likely one of your most used computer programs. Considering that so much of your time is spent using the Internet, we thought it would make sense to share a few shortcuts to make it more efficient for you. If […]

Tip of the Week: What Happens when a Laptop is Left Plugged In?


Laptops have proven to be one of the more useful gadgets for businesses and business users. Not only do they hold their own in performance against a desktop, their portability is another consideration that cannot be ignored. However, this portability means that they are at least somewhat reliant on their battery, which begs the question: […]

Tip of the Week: Three Simple Measures for More Productive Email


Email is a great tool for businesses to use, but if mismanaged, it can quickly become a major time sink. That’s why we wanted to go over a few ways that you can use your email solution to boost your overall productivity (rather than squander it) in the form of some handy tips. #1: Interact […]

Tip of the Week: Stay Positive When Disaster Strikes


In uncertain times, one of the most important things for any business to do is to stay the course—albeit in an adjusted fashion. To help, we’ve put together a few key practices to work positively to achieve this end. Involve Your Team In a crisis event, you need to have your team at your side […]