The New Version of Chrome has Interesting Changes

Chrome 70 has proven to be quite a divisive browser. While a lot of users are excited for the new changes to security, some are also worried about whether Chrome can maintain this security and its user-friendly interface. Here are some of the changes being made to Chrome 70 so you can choose whether this […]
VoIP Can Bring A Lot of Value

Business technology can often augment communications and make collaboration easier, but administrators sometimes believe that these added perks come with a considerably higher price tag. When a solution comes around that can save money, like VoIP, business owners should consider it with serious intent to invest, as it can usher in an age of improved […]
Why (and How) You Need to Maintain Your Servers

It is impossible to understate the importance of a server to today’s businesses. We talk a big game as to how important data is, but we don’t often broach the topic of how important it is to ensure that your server is well-maintained. Below, we discuss how to determine what your servers need for optimal […]
Know Your Tech: Accessory

We make a big deal about how important it is to take care of your computers. Whether that be routinely cleaning your PC, weeding through the unnecessary information stored on them, or utilizing a mobile device’s built-in security features to keep mobile malware from making the management of your company–wide mobile solution more difficult. Much […]
Know Your Tech: Breadcrumbs

A trail of breadcrumbs can be a useful thing, whether you’re using it like Hansel and Gretel to find their way back home, or you’re using it in computing to find your way back to a page you were previously on. Today’s tech term is dedicated to the latter. What is Breadcrumb Navigation? As per […]
Can You Afford to Ditch Your Telephone System for VoIP?

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP for short, might at first glance seem complex, but it’s really quite simple when explained properly. Unfortunately, misconceptions surrounding VoIP can become a barrier of entry for businesses considering a VoIP solution. We’re going to disprove some of these misconceptions and prove VoIP can be a valuable investment for […]
Getting a Better Sense of Customer Relationship Management

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how important it is to have a handle on your clients’ needs. After all, how else are you supposed to offer them the level of service that they need to remain satisfied enough to stay subscribed to what you offer? This endeavor is exactly why a customer […]
How Much Have Smartphone Cameras Made a Difference?

When it comes to selecting a smartphone, most consumers look to the camera as a major deciding point – after all, many popular applications geared toward the everyday user heavily lean on the use of a camera. This utility and, in some ways, reliance have only encouraged rapid advancement to phone-based camera technology since its […]
Know Your Tech: Proxy Server

Your server room may be somewhat intimidating to consider. Wires everywhere, mechanical boxes that just sit there, lights blinking intermittently, and the distinct feeling that you probably shouldn’t touch anything – not even a proxy server, whatever that is. However, to help you get to know your tech, the proxy server is exactly what we […]
Our 2018 Business Technology Overview

Businesses have a lot to think about, especially regarding best practices and upcoming trends in technology. Has your business been doing all it can to keep up? We’ve outlined some of the best IT innovations that we expect to see in 2018 as time goes on. Security Worries It should be clear that in today’s […]
What Virtual Assistant Is Right for You?

Virtual assistants are some of the most common technologies out there, which is kind of a strange thing to say. With mobile devices taking over the personal and professional lives of users, we suppose it’s natural that virtual assistants have flourished in today’s workplace. What are these assistants, and what are they capable of? Virtual […]
Attempts to Make Smart Cities Hit a Snag

At this point, the concept of the Internet of Things is a fairly familiar one, but that familiarity is to the Internet of Things on the micro scale–appliances with capabilities enhanced by an available connection to the Internet. There is another, more macro application to the Internet of Things: as a way to collect data […]
As Augmented Reality Grows, More Applications Appear

“Augmented reality” is likely one of those terms that you’ve heard before, but that’s more or less your experience with it. However, A.R. has likely been a bigger influence than you may have imagined – especially with the prevalence of smartphones being what it is. Let’s examine augmented reality and how it might be used […]
Know Your Tech: Social Media

You see the term “social media” thrown around all the time, but what does it mean for both individual users and whole businesses? Organizations that understand the importance of social media have a unique advantage over other businesses in the same industry, be it a way to attract more consumers or a way to protect […]
Tip of the Week: Cloud Software for File Sharing

Businesses have a lot to gain by personal file storage and sharing, but then again, so does the individual user. After all, even the most ambitious business owner has a personal life and people to share information with. How can you share files with people without leaving them vulnerable to data theft and worse? Here […]
Increased Network Complexity Necessitates Shifts in Monitoring Strategies

Businesses of all sizes have come to depend on their IT for productivity. IT administrators that constantly monitor their network and infrastructure reduce downtime, leading to higher resource availability. With the increasingly complex makeup of an organization’s network this becomes quite the task. What Makes a Network Complex? First we should mention that computers are […]
How Technology is Transforming the Way Students Learn

To educate the leaders of tomorrow, using technology from the past isn’t going to cut it. While some schools are still using technology from the last century, others are moving forward. Today, we will take a look at classroom technology innovations, and how to get this exciting new technology in the hands of more students. […]
The 3 F’s of a VoIP Solution

Communication is pivotal to the success of your business, but it’s hard when you have a telephone system that seems like it was built for an age long past. A modern telephone system that utilizes the cloud is the ideal way to approach collaboration in the workplace. You have some options for this, but the […]
Know Your Tech: Wizard

At first glance, you might not think about computing when the term “wizard” pops up. However, there is a certain type of program that is used exclusively for the purpose of helping someone install something on their computer. A Wizard’s Goal Traditionally, a wizard has been represented by an old man with a beard, robes, […]
The Internet of Things Gives Great Power to Our Phones

The Internet of Things is a bit of a paradox in and of itself. It has been leveraged to accomplish great things, but at the same time, it can be used in a way that can create considerable problems. However, innovations have proven that the IoT isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon, especially now that it […]