Tip of the Week: How to Find Success With Remote Workers


Thanks to mobile devices and remote access, businesses around the world are freeing their employees from the tethers of their desks and allowing them to work remotely. Some companies have employees that work remotely all of the time, which presents the question of how you keep them connected to the workplace, productive with their time, […]

The Major Points of A Secure Email Solution


It’s not out of the ordinary for employees to not know the best practices surrounding email management, but it’s something that any self-respecting employer needs to consider. How are your employees using their email, and are they putting your organization at risk? The best way to address these issues is taking a two-pronged approach involving […]

As Augmented Reality Grows, More Applications Appear


“Augmented reality” is likely one of those terms that you’ve heard before, but that’s more or less your experience with it. However, A.R. has likely been a bigger influence than you may have imagined – especially with the prevalence of smartphones being what it is. Let’s examine augmented reality and how it might be used […]

Know Your Tech: Social Media


You see the term “social media” thrown around all the time, but what does it mean for both individual users and whole businesses? Organizations that understand the importance of social media have a unique advantage over other businesses in the same industry, be it a way to attract more consumers or a way to protect […]

The Best Way to Approach Data Backup


All businesses hope that they’ll never have to use their data backup and disaster recovery plan, but the point stands that each business should have one, just in case of a worst-case scenario. For a small business with a limited budget, the prospect of investing in a solution they might never need is daunting. To […]

Don’t Be Fooled When Scammers Threaten to Spill a Dirty Little Secret


What would you do if a stranger claimed to have compromising webcam footage of you and threatened to share it with your contacts? A new, very convincing email scam is making some users very nervous. The Sextortion ScamIt’s as screwed up as it sounds. A scammer emails you saying that they got access to your […]

Tip of the Week: Cloud Software for File Sharing


Businesses have a lot to gain by personal file storage and sharing, but then again, so does the individual user. After all, even the most ambitious business owner has a personal life and people to share information with. How can you share files with people without leaving them vulnerable to data theft and worse? Here […]

Reduce Your Costs By Outsourcing Your IT Management


Your business deals with all types of troubles, but one trouble that can be extraordinarily costly is when your organization’s technology doesn’t work properly. That’s why many businesses hire an IT staff who work to mitigate technology-related problems. One issue you should be cognizant of is cost. Typically, IT professionals have training, certifications, and experience […]

Why It’s Great that Managed Services are Managed


One of the key benefits of managed IT services is right in the title. It’s managed, meaning that you don’t have to worry about maintaining or configuring your systems. Many small businesses see these kinds of advertisements out in the world but don’t necessarily understand what services are being marketed to them. We’ll take a […]

Know Your Tech: Encryption Key


Security is a necessity. Every technology professional will tell you this, but in an age where employees are taking information on the go, it’s trickier than it’s ever been before. Encryption is one of the ways that businesses are attempting to shore up their security, but this also requires having an encryption key. This week’s […]

Increased Network Complexity Necessitates Shifts in Monitoring Strategies


Businesses of all sizes have come to depend on their IT for productivity. IT administrators that constantly monitor their network and infrastructure reduce downtime, leading to higher resource availability. With the increasingly complex makeup of an organization’s network this becomes quite the task. What Makes a Network Complex? First we should mention that computers are […]

How Technology is Transforming the Way Students Learn


To educate the leaders of tomorrow, using technology from the past isn’t going to cut it. While some schools are still using technology from the last century, others are moving forward. Today, we will take a look at classroom technology innovations, and how to get this exciting new technology in the hands of more students. […]

Tip of the Week: Why You Shouldn’t Just Kill Power to Windows


There’s a big difference between turning off any other appliance, like a stereo or a television, and turning off a computer. A computer takes much more time to shut down than your average device, but why is this the case? Is there a way to speed up this process? This tip will explain these processes […]

A Better Way to Be Rid of Old Cables


Are you drowning in old computer cables? Do they sit in a drawer and take up space? Chances are that you’ll have quite a lot of old cables that are sitting around collecting dust due to your organization picking up new devices that come with even more new cables. Sure, you might think you still […]

5 Useful Cloud Apps for Small Businesses


The cloud is a great tool that lets businesses take advantage of goods and services in never before seen ways. How does your organization use the cloud? Developers are trying to leverage the cloud to best assist businesses just like yours with their day-to-day functions, all the while improving flexibility and access to important information. […]

Tip of the Week: Excel Features for the Power User


As useful as a spreadsheet can be to convey information, they can be a little drab and disengaging if the full capabilities of Microsoft Excel aren’t understood and leveraged. For today’s tip, we’ll go over a few little-known and underutilized features that can help you create spreadsheets with both more style, and more utility. Visible […]

The 3 F’s of a VoIP Solution


Communication is pivotal to the success of your business, but it’s hard when you have a telephone system that seems like it was built for an age long past. A modern telephone system that utilizes the cloud is the ideal way to approach collaboration in the workplace. You have some options for this, but the […]

How a Data Backup Can Be Used, No Disaster Necessary


Data backup may not directly help you boost your productivity, but it is a core component of any responsible business’ continuity plan. Each year, thousands of businesses that don’t take threats into account are forced to close their doors because they didn’t have a contingency plan in place. For every business that plans for the […]

Know Your Tech: Wizard


At first glance, you might not think about computing when the term “wizard” pops up. However, there is a certain type of program that is used exclusively for the purpose of helping someone install something on their computer. A Wizard’s Goal Traditionally, a wizard has been represented by an old man with a beard, robes, […]

The Internet of Things Gives Great Power to Our Phones


The Internet of Things is a bit of a paradox in and of itself. It has been leveraged to accomplish great things, but at the same time, it can be used in a way that can create considerable problems. However, innovations have proven that the IoT isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon, especially now that it […]