Tip of the Week: Browse Incognito Mode Better By Enabling Your Extensions


Fans of Google Chrome are familiar with using Incognito mode to cover their tracks and keep their Internet browsing private. Although, one downside of Incognito mode is that it disables your browser’s extensions by default. If this has been an annoyance for you, then you’ll be pleased to learn that switching on your extensions for […]

Tip of the Week: How to Prevent Windows 10 From Restarting While You’re Working


How many times has this happened to you: you’ve walked back to your home or work PC after taking a break, only to find that Windows 10 installed new updates and automatically restarted? Thanks to Windows 10’s notoriously aggressive update behavior, any work that wasn’t saved was lost forever. It can be very frustrating to […]

Tip of the Week: How to Know if You’ve Experienced a Data Breach


Your data is vital to the success of your business, and as such, it needs to be protected. Can you identify the warning signs that someone has managed to get past your protections to access your data? According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, or ITRC, there were 781 data breaches in 2015 within the […]

Tip of the Week: What to Do When Your Device Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi


Wi-Fi deadspots are very real, and tend to be annoying, fickle things. Despite maybe a wireless signal being strong enough for everyone else in a room to receive it, something may be interfering with the device. As a result, the Wi-Fi simply isn’t sufficiently strong enough to connect the device to the Internet. Fortunately, there […]

Tip of the Week: Be More Efficient With These Windows 10 Shortcuts


A mouse can be very handy when it comes to navigating around the documents you have to work on, but it can also slow you down. Fortunately, key command shortcuts exist for situations just like these, and as Windows 10 has continued to improve, more shortcuts have been included to accomplish more tasks with improved […]

Tip of the Week: Access Old Clipboard Content With ClipDiary


The Copy and Paste feature has long been a staple of computing, but it’s easy to lose something that may have once been stored on the clipboard. Most people who have used a PC understand this pain and will be happy to hear that recovering the lost “copy” might be easier than they thought. A third-party […]

Tip of the Week: Use Android Doze to Help Save Battery Power


How often have you grumbled as you’ve reached for a charger at 2 in the afternoon as your smartphone clings to its last moments of life? If you’re anything like the typical user, quite often, but Android has attempted to reduce that number with the Android Doze feature. Doze accomplishes this by disabling an application […]

Tip of the Week: 5 Easy Ways to Move Several Files at Once


File storage is a staple in the office, and chances are that even your work desktop is jam-packed with files and folders that could use a bit of sorting. This might include moving all of your files to different locations, but you don’t have to move each one individually. We’ll go over the many different […]

Tip of the Week: A Step-By-Step Guide to Downloading Your Facebook Information


The longer you use Facebook, the more personal content you hand over to the social media empire. Sharing content is what drives the social media experience, but what if you want your content back? Surprisingly, Facebook makes this easy. The reasons to download your personal content from Facebook can vary. Perhaps you just feel better […]

Tip of the Week: Improve Email Open Rates With an Attention-Grabbing Title


It’s safe to say that nobody enjoys their email inbox getting clogged with messages. Unfortunately, communicating by email is a standard part of doing business. Of course, in order for these emails to communicate their message, they must first pique the interest of the recipient enough to be opened. Here is a guide to crafting […]

Tip of the Week: Get Rid of Those Pesky Ads on Your Windows 10 Lock Screen


Do you have Windows 10 on your workstation or PC? You’ve probably realized that it’s a pretty sweet operating system. Still, there’s a reason why so many people have been bothered by it, and it’s because of its practically omnipresent attempts to advertise to consumers. One of the ways that Windows 10 will do this […]

Tip of the Week: Do Your Eyes Hurt? Try Adjusting Your Screen’s Brightness


Computer monitors have been getting bigger and brighter for years; improving on picture quality, responsiveness, and energy efficiency. However, working in a dark room in front of a bright screen can lead to eye strain and even headaches. You can avoid these side effects by lowering the brightness on your screen. Furthermore, lowering your screen’s […]

Tip of the Week: How to Set Your Browser to Automatically Refresh Itself


Have you ever been in a situation where you have to continuously hit the refresh button in your browser? Maybe you’re waiting for an online sale to go live, or you’re waiting on an online forum for a critical response. Or, maybe you’re just waiting for an important email. Either way, manually refreshing your browser […]

Tip of the Week: How to Make an Animated Image From Your Favorite YouTube Video


GIFs. What are they? If you’ve spent any time perusing the Internet, you’ve definitely come across a GIF or two. Essentially, a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an animated picture that loops a few seconds of a video clip (without playing any audio). In addition to GIFs being fun, they can serve as a great […]

Tip of the Week: How to Access Multiple Gmail Accounts On Your Android Device


If you have an Android smartphone, you know that the device is closely tied to your own personal Google account. As such, in order to get the most out of your Android device, you should take advantage of its seamless functionality with Google applications. This includes making sure that your Gmail account is properly set […]

Tip of the Week: 7 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Android’s Battery


One experience shared by every mobile device user is batteries losing power faster than they’d like. Until someone invents a battery that never again needs to be recharged, this struggle will always be real. Here are seven ways to make your mobile device’s battery last longer. Dim Your ScreenGo to Settings > Display and toggle […]

Tip of the Week: Improve Customer Experience With a Guest WiFi Hotspot


As a business owner, you rely on your WiFi router to reliably broadcast a network connection to your entire office. This is generally a private network that you won’t want to share with just anyone. The only problem with this is that guests visiting your office might want to use the wireless Internet, and allowing […]