Tip of the Week: How to Get the Most from Your IT Budget


As any business owner knows too well, a budget is a very finite thing – and this can seem to be doubly the case when trying to budget for your business’ technology. Fortunately, there are also a few ways that technology can help you save some capital. Here, we’re offering some tips to help you […]

Employee Burnout Can, and Should, Be Avoided


Your employees are your greatest asset, which means that they need to be carefully managed and maintained, just like any of your other productivity-boosting assets. The difference is, your employees aren’t just another solution – they’re human beings, and as such, they aren’t tirelessly motivated. In fact, if your employees aren’t treated properly, they could… […]

Are You Bogged Down by Vendor Relationships?


Small business owners have a lot on their minds and a ton of responsibilities that the average employee doesn’t have. Small businesses often force business owners into taking on various roles that may or may not fit their specific skill set, including CIO or CTO. Of course, the Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer […]

Tip of the Week: How to Keep Your POS from Being a PITA


If your business is in retail, you’re going to need a Point-of-Sale (also known as a POS) system. This is a common device in businesses that directly sell to their clients and customers, as it can do a lot to assist these businesses as they manage their processes. As you seek out a POS system […]

Collaboration Tools for SMBs


Useful collaboration tools can alter a business significantly by enabling cooperation that is impossible without them. How exactly these tools fit into your business is a whole other matter.  Today, we’re going to talk about how you can integrate some pretty great collaboration tools without turning your business upside down.  Cloud Productivity One option a […]

Help Desk Makes IT Support Easier


Downtime is a killer for any business. When a business is forced into confronting its technology support deficits, it usually means that they’ve been dealing with too much broken technology and downtime, and the costs associated with it. One way your business can avoid losing huge chunks of time to broken technology is to add […]

Know Your Tech: Virtual Machine


Businesses use servers and servers are very expensive. They are expensive to build and to maintain. Since most servers have top-of-the-line hardware inside them, and are only used for one purpose, a lot of a server’s available resources are left dormant, essentially wasted. The virtual machine allows expensive server hardware to host multiple virtual servers, […]

Think Before You Click: Spotting a Phishing Attempt


We’ve all caught the obvious spam email, like the message that is clearly bogus, or the offer that is definitely too good to be true. We’re going to confidently assume none of our readers are getting tricked by Nigerian Princes or getting roped into order virility drugs from an unsolicited email. The real threat comes […]

Microsoft is Constantly Improving Office 365


Microsoft Office is the most common productivity suite in the world, and it’s for a good reason. One of the biggest reasons for this is that they routinely update the applications with great features. Office 2019 is one of the biggest improvements that Microsoft has made, and it features several apps that make the modern […]

Tip of the Week: Adding More Utility to the Windows Taskbar


The Windows Taskbar is meant to assist the user in opening and managing the programs they need to accomplish their goals. Did you know that you can tweak the Taskbar to add to the utility it already has? For this week’s tip, we’ll go over a couple of the things you can do with the […]

Business Communication Tools Your Business Could Use


All businesses need some type of communication infrastructure, especially considering how connected today’s workplace is. Today we will look at some of the best communications solutions out there for businesses of all sizes and industries, including many that you may (or may not) have already implemented for yourself. You can use this knowledge to fuel […]

Tip of the Week: Simple Windows 10 Tips


Windows 10 is the benchmark in PC operating systems at this juncture. It offers users all types of great options from previous versions of Windows, while integrating some of today’s most dynamic technology to provide users with the very best in organization and ease-of-use. Today we will talk about five very simple tips that will […]

Three Technology Trends We’ve Witnessed in 2019


Businesses are increasingly adopting more advanced technologies to benefit their operations. We’ve seen a few of these technologies really come into the public eye this year. That’s why we wanted to take some time and review these tools and time-saving solutions with you: to tell you about ways that your business procedures can improve through […]

Hack of Capital One Exposes Information on 100,000 Customers


Capital One is one of the largest credit card issuers in the world. On July 29th 2019, Capital One made an announcement, confirming it is the victim of one of the largest data breaches in financial sector history, as a former software engineer for Amazon has been indicted on charges related to the hacking. Here’s […]

Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part V


By now it should be clear that the same computer might not work for two different businesses’ needs. In previous articles we discussed how to select the right CPU, RAM, storage, and display for your desktop. This final post will be dedicated to some of the topics that couldn’t fit into previous parts. Deciding on […]

Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part IV


Without a monitor for your new desktop, it won’t be much to look at. While you’re recovering from that pun, let’s discuss some of the major considerations you might have for purchasing a display for your new device. The Number of Monitors Do you have more than one monitor for your home PC? Most people […]

Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part III


Part three of our computer buying guide will be dedicated to storage space. Most modern gadgets have a couple of options for storage space, in addition to external storage, but the amount of space will largely depend on the brand and version of the device. When selecting a computer, be it a desktop or laptop, […]

Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part II


In this second part of our desktop buying guide, we’ll be discussing RAM, or random access memory. Many users find this difficult to understand, but we’ll do our best to make sure it’s explained as adequately as possible so you have all the answers you need when you build your new computer. We will cover […]

Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part I


Are you in the market for a new desktop computer for your business (or your home office)? We’ve put together a five-part guide to help make sense of the components that go into a desktop computer to give you a better idea about what you may need in a new desktop. We start our guide […]

Tip of the Week: Using Digital Signage


Businesses often utilize signage to direct visitors to specific points of interest in their offices, but with the advent of digital technologies, the potential for digital signage is nearly endless. If leveraged properly, these displays can be used to provide key insights into operations, as well as notify employees and visitors of important information. When […]