Boosting Your Router’s Security in 3 Ways


Your wireless router handles a lot of the tough work for your business, and as such, it’s important that it’s protected and secured as best as can be. If you want to secure your router, we recommend that you use the following best practices to make it happen. First, let’s talk about the router. The […]

What is a Router Botnet? Find Out Today!


Ordinarily, one of the best ways to protect your organization’s infrastructure is to make sure any and all patches administered to the software you use are applied as soon as possible after they’ve been released. However, patches don’t help against threats that aren’t discovered at the moment they are released. The recent spread of BCMUPnP_Hunter […]

Tip of the Week: Improve Your Business’ Wi-Fi


For many businesses, a wireless network connection plays a large role in what they do. The people who make your organization work require access to a continuous Internet connection to ensure collaboration can happen with minimal trouble, but it also means that more productivity can happen throughout the workday on your employees’ terms. Therefore, the […]

Did You Know Your Router Can be Infected?


A new type of malware is targeting routers in what is considered a large enough threat that even the FBI is addressing it. Even worse, a router isn’t necessarily a device that you think would be vulnerable to attack from a hacker. What can you do to keep your business’ Internet access points secure from […]

Your Router Can Host Some Pretty Nasty Malware


Hundreds of millions of people use wireless Internet connections every day, and as a result, hackers are taking that as a challenge. They are now starting to develop malware that targets people through their routers. Recently, security researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered the malware named Slingshot. The code is designed to spy on PCs […]

Tip of the Week: Improving Your Wi-Fi May Have Something To Do With Your Router


While many may want their Internet to be faster, not many realize that their router may be contributing to the problem. For this week’s tip, we’ll discuss how to configure your router for a faster Internet connection. Gaining Access to the Administration ConsoleOf course, before you can make any changes to your router, you need […]

Tip of the Week: You May Want to Remove Your Wi-Fi Information From the WiGLE Database


The next time you look at your device’s available Wi-Fi connections when in public, take a look at what some of the local connection names are. Chances are that you’ll see some names that match a nearby organization or family. Others might still be using the default SSID, like Linksys/Netgear-something-or-other. Others might get a little […]

Tip of the Week: 4 Easy Tips to Boost Your WiFi Signal


Your wireless router is both an integral part of your business’s online infrastructure, and a critical part of your home computing environment. Therefore, you need to make sure that your router is broadcasting a clear signal. Here are some tips on how to keep your wireless signal as strong as possible, regardless of where you […]