Remote Meetings Require the Right Technology
Today’s world of video conferences and remote work means that many workers are forced to endure the dreaded “Zoom Call” or “Teams Meeting,” whichever solution is implemented at their organization. While these terms might be used in a negative way, there are opportunities for you to improve the way you hold your video chats. Here […]
Get More Out of Your Organization’s Meetings
Meetings rarely go as planned. The issue is that meetings generally aren’t planned as well as they can be, meaning that they run the risk of going on longer than necessary. If you find your meetings could be managed more efficiently, then read on; we’ll discuss three tips that you can use to improve the […]
Employees Spend Nearly 80% of Their Time Communicating About Work. You Can Change That
How much time is wasted in your workplace just trying to communicate about potential projects? The notable difference between productivity and stagnation is that one is making you money, while the other is costing you money. Employees spend about 80 percent of their time in meetings, on the phone, or responding to emails, so it […]
3 Ways To Buck the Trend of Unproductive Meetings
Running a business means going to meetings. There’s really no way around it. And while you can’t run a business without meetings, you can run your meetings as efficiently as possible so that they’re not a complete waste of time. Unfortunately, according to a recent study by Blue Jeans Network, the worldwide trends for meetings […]