Improving Your Backup Strategy Doesn’t Have to Hurt the Bottom Line


If you are a regular visitor to our blog, you know just how important we think data backup is for any business that relies on data. If your business stores and creates data, you need to have a backup strategy in place. It’s that simple. Today, we want to discuss how to improve your data […]

You Need to Backup Your Data


When we start working with a new client, we’re often left surprised at their data backup and recovery strategy. It’s not always that they don’t really have a strategy for it (although this happens more than we’d like to admit), it’s just how sure many of them are that they don’t need to spend a […]

Which Backup Strategy is Best?


It has reached the point that, if you have a business, you had better have a backup prepared. Otherwise, the digital data that modern businesses like yours rely on is vulnerable to loss. Of course, depending on the age of your business, you may have data that no longer applies to your operations. That’s why […]

8 Data Backup Terms You Should Know


Data is an asset, there’s no getting around this fact. Therefore, your business needs to consider it important enough to protect with a data backup and disaster recovery solution, as even something unlikely, like a natural disaster or hacking attack, could place your organization in peril. We’re going to take a look at some of […]

How a Data Backup Can Be Used, No Disaster Necessary


Data backup may not directly help you boost your productivity, but it is a core component of any responsible business’ continuity plan. Each year, thousands of businesses that don’t take threats into account are forced to close their doors because they didn’t have a contingency plan in place. For every business that plans for the […]

BDR Needs to Be a Business Priority


Of any of your business implementations, a data backup and disaster recovery system is a serious contender for the most important. However, many neglect to prepare for a data loss event or disaster, which means they leave their business vulnerable to the ill effects of both. Protecting your business begins with a data backup and […]

Do the Right Thing This World Backup Day and Back it Up Right


In today’s business world, having a reliable way to access your data is key to your company’s success. Everything you do depends on the data you have at your disposal–so what would you do if that data was no longer available to you? This is a far too common circumstance that creates problems for many […]