These Smartphones Make an Excellent Gift (Even To Yourself!)


The holiday season is the ideal time to pick up your next best smartphone–especially since you might get something great as a gift from your loved ones! We’ll help you decide which type of smartphone is best for your specific needs by taking a close look at some of the great new devices on today’s […]

Would Your Users be Tricked by Social Engineering?


The term social engineering may not seem nearly as intimidating as other cybersecurity terms like ransomware or denial of service. Don’t be deceived! Some of the biggest threats to your company’s data and network security use social engineering to manipulate targets into taking a specific action – like disclosing personal information that can be stolen […]

Tip of the Week: Using Your Smartphone More Effectively in Five Ways


It’s getting to the point where most people have a smartphone, even if they shouldn’t necessarily have one. If you go all-in on a device like this to boost your productivity and efficiency, then you know how difficult it can be at times. We’re here to provide you with some tips to help you better […]

Are You Prepared for Employees to Bring Their Own Devices?


Bring Your Own Device policies have helped many companies save money on technology by allowing employees to use their own devices, rather than taking on the cost of providing devices. However, as much as a BYOD approach can help a business financially, there are some potential drawbacks to adopting one that you should be prepared […]

What to Expect from IT in 2018


As one of the most famous head coaches in NFL history, Vince Lombardi has several quotes that can be applied to success. One particular statement to note is “If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late.” As it turns out, this quote inadvertently refers to technology. The technology industry moves a […]

Tip of the Week: Improving Your Wi-Fi May Have Something To Do With Your Router


While many may want their Internet to be faster, not many realize that their router may be contributing to the problem. For this week’s tip, we’ll discuss how to configure your router for a faster Internet connection. Gaining Access to the Administration ConsoleOf course, before you can make any changes to your router, you need […]

Boosting Your Security Only Takes Another Layer of Authentication


Data breaches are so common nowadays that you’re lucky not to see one in the breaking news section of any news outlet. How is your business preparing for the inevitable data breach of intellectual properly and sensitive information? You need to start considering preventative measures, like two-factor authentication, to keep your data secure. The main […]

Google Is Increasing Security For High-Risk Users


Wouldn’t it be great if you could take advantage of a built-in security feature that could lock down your Google services in the event of a potential data breach? Thanks to attacks on high-profile users, Google is now offering this service to those who are at considerable risk of having their accounts hacked. This type […]

Tip of the Week: Seven Extensions to Add to Chrome


Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in the world, and for good reason. The browser has many useful features, largely due to the user’s ability to install ‘extensions’–applications that add to the browser’s functionality or the user’s experience. Once an extension is added to the browser’s toolbar, it is ready for the user […]

For Better Business Communications, Choose VoIP


VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, has become the only practical choice for a forward-focused business’ telephony needs. Any one of those who have adopted it could share a reason that they leverage it. But what is VoIP, really? How does it work, and why is it so popular among businesses? Read on to find […]

“It Redirected Where?” — A Case Study in Security Precautions


Imagine what it would be like to discover that your website was suddenly redirecting to content that was decidedly more… adult… than what should be representing your business. For a company in Phoenix, Arizona, this was the unfortunate reality after they had let their IT administrator go. The administrator, Tavis Tso, created a web in […]

Tip of the Week: Use Google Doc Tables to Organize Your Writing


Do you use Google Docs for your business’ word processor? It functions in largely the same way as Microsoft Word, and as such, there are various features that carry over between programs. One of these features is the table of contents, which can help you organize and sort your documents into consumable sections. To use […]

9 Ingredients to Creating a Winning UCC Strategy


If there is one thing that supports everything a successful business does, it has to be communication. Any company relies on its communications to ensure that its clients are satisfied with their services, and as communications have improved, it has only become easier for a unified communication and collaboration, or UCC, strategy to take form. […]

Cost Savings Are Just The Start of VoIP’s Benefits


Business owners and managers are always looking to save a buck. Since the cost of doing business continues to climb, looking to the cloud for their business-critical applications is one way to spread computing costs out over time. The cloud offers several solutions to help the modern business keep their costs down, and nowhere can […]

Tip of the Week: Give Your Desktop Some TLC


Maintaining a network of PCs can be a lot of work. We wouldn’t blame you for having trouble keeping your business’ computers up-to-date–especially if you don’t have a dedicated IT department on-site. It doesn’t have to feel impossible, though. With proactive technology maintenance and the following tips, you’ll be sure to stay productive throughout the […]

Swipe With Care: Your ATM Might Be Controlled By A Hacker


One of the most enticing credentials that hackers desire is your credit card number, along with its expiration date and the code on the back. Hackers are also willing to go great lengths to achieve their goal of stealing these credentials, even so far as to make physical changes to automatic teller machines (ATMs) to […]

TheDarkOverlord Solutions Is at It Again! This Time the Hacker Group Is Targeting Schools


While many youngsters enjoy it when their school shuts down, this was likely not the case in Flathead Valley, Montana, where the cybercriminal group ‘TheDarkOverlord Solutions’ targeted the entire Columbia Falls school district. This attack caused the three-day closure and otherwise disrupted over 30 schools, and the personal information of teachers, students, and school administrators […]

Tip of the Week: Closed A Tab On Accident? Here’s How To Restore It


Have you ever accidentally closed a tab before you were done with it? It’s a classic case of clicking just a little too close to the X. We’ll walk you through how you can open up Google Chrome tabs, not just on your ordinary desktop web browser, but your Android device as well. It’s a […]

Security Concerns Have Led To New Voting Machines In Virginia


Regardless of your feelings on the matter, the 2016 United States presidential election was an extremely divisive one–in no small part, due to the suspicion that the outcome of the election may have been significantly influenced by hacked voting machines. This uncertainty has led to some states making strides to ensure that their technology will […]

Do You Have a Data Backup In Place?


Take a moment to imagine the absolute worst disaster scenario for your business. Does it involve a catastrophic event destroying your office building? Does it include key staff being absent from the office for extended periods of time? Does it include your business suffering from data loss or security breaches? Most businesses that fail to […]