Collaborate Better with Microsoft SharePoint

As businesses continue to adapt to the ever-evolving workforce, many are now supporting a variety of environments. Ranging from hybrid, remote, and in-office, the one constant is the need for your team and clients to communicate with each other. Learn how Microsoft SharePoint can help. Communication is Key to Success As many business owners are […]
Microsoft is Constantly Improving Office 365

Microsoft Office is the most common productivity suite in the world, and it’s for a good reason. One of the biggest reasons for this is that they routinely update the applications with great features. Office 2019 is one of the biggest improvements that Microsoft has made, and it features several apps that make the modern […]
How You Can Get Microsoft Office Certified

There are many reasons, both personal and professional, that you may want to consider adding a few certifications to your expertise. Today, we’ll discuss how you and your staff can become certified Microsoft Office Specialists on Microsoft Office 2016, and why you may want to consider doing so. Why You Want An MOS (Or Any […]
Tip of the Week: Changing a PDF in Microsoft Word

Did you know that Microsoft Word can actually edit PDF files? Well… the most recent version of it can, anyway. Since Adobe Acrobat can be a considerable investment for each and every one of your employees, you can instead turn to the tried and true Microsoft Word for this purpose. We’ll show you how you […]
Tip of the Week: Use Microsoft Word To Create Envelopes For Your Contacts

Microsoft Office has long been a valuable asset for all types of businesses, but would you be surprised to hear that most organizations don’t take full advantage of it? All of the most recent editions of programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are designed with powerful, user-friendly interfaces that allow your business to do […]
Microsoft Word Makes Collaboration Easier With Co-Authorship

Does your workforce have the option of working together on a document in Microsoft Word? This type of collaboration is something that is much desired in business today. One of the best ways to take advantage of this collaboration is through Microsoft Office 365’s built-in sharing features, which allow your workforce to work together on […]
What’s the Main Difference Between Office 365 and the Traditional Office Suite?

Even if you already have Microsoft Office, did you know that there are multiple ways to use Office which could potentially save you money? It’s the difference between using the traditional Office apps, versus the subscription-based model provided by Office 365. Users and business professionals need to know that Office 365 is a subscription-based model, […]
Microsoft Office 2016 is Here and It’s Got Something For Everyone

It’s only been a few months since Microsoft introduced Windows 10, but the world’s largest software company is now updating their wildly popular Office productivity suite. Office 2016 takes the fully-featured productivity apps that users are used to and adds in significant improvements, especially to the integrated collaborative capabilities. Applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook […]