Tip of the Week: Politely Protect Your Data with Android Guest Mode


For many people, their mobile device contains a mixture of sensitive information and personal details. In some cases, some of the data isn’t even theirs—instead, it belongs to their workplace. Naturally, this makes many people less inclined to share the use of their device, but most people also want to avoid being rude. For precisely […]

What to Do Immediately If You’ve Lost Your Phone


In our last blog we gave you some advice on what to do if your phone has gone missing, but if it has been stolen or lost for good, there are more pressing issues than the anger and loss you feel; you need to ensure that you and the people you do business with are […]

How to Find Your Lost iPhone or Android Smartphone


Imagine for a second you are out to a socially distant dinner date with the friends that you barely get to see. You wrap up dinner and say your goodbyes and when you get to your car you realize that you don’t have your phone. COMPLETE PANIC! Your whole life is on your phone. Now […]

Tip of the Week: Four Tips and Tricks Within the Google Play Store


The Google Play Store is the Android operating system’s primary source of applications and widgets and can do a lot more than many might first think. Let’s consider a few useful tools and tricks that are incorporated into the Play Store that you should keep in mind. Using a Password to Restrict Purchases App store […]

Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Improve Mobile Business Etiquette


Mobility is important to today’s workers and can be valuable to many different types of businesses; so much so that businesses demand that employees stay connected. Sometimes, especially when in public, this can become a social problem. Today, we will discuss mobile phone etiquette and five ways that you can improve yours.  Business Doesn’t Stop, […]

You Even Need To Worry About Phishing In Your Text Messages


As serious as they are, cyberattacks are not always labeled with the most serious-sounding names. We are, of course, talking about phishing: the use of spoofed email addresses and fraudulent messages to get hold of data, or whatever goal the attacker has in mind. One of the silliest-sounding versions of phishing—smishing—has proven to be of […]

Smartphone Flagships to Consider Going into 2021


The modern smartphone user is dedicated, spending an average of three hours and 15 minutes per day using them. On average, people check their phones 58 times a day. With this amount of traction, it’s not a surprise that people want to get the best devices they can. Today, we will take a look at […]

Why is VoIP Seen as Such a Great Business Solution?


Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a common business communication solution nowadays… but it is still possible that you aren’t aware of what VoIP is and the many benefits it can deliver to your operations. To remedy this, let’s briefly review the concepts behind VoIP, and how your business can embrace them to its […]

Tip of the Week: Simple Solutions to a Few Android Problems


While the Android platform is a highly capable mobile platform, there are a few oddities baked in that can create some annoyances for the user. To help you out, we’ve assembled a few tips to help you prevent these annoyances from impacting your use of your mobile device. Screen Rotating Too Much? Lock It in […]

How to Make the Most of Mobile Device Management


The concept of remote work is closely tied to mobility, which means that solutions and strategies that promote this mobility are particularly important for businesses to adopt if they are interested in benefiting from remote operations. Mobile device management is one such solution. Let’s go over a few key practices to successfully using MDM to […]

Nope, You Haven’t Been Hacked By Google and Apple’s COVID-19 App


Google and Apple have recently started an initiative with local governments to try and help prevent the increased spread of COVID-19. Basically, this app would notify people if there were positive COVID-19 test results in their area. While this does bring up some major privacy concerns, we wanted to discuss something else today: the prevalence […]

Four Cybersecurity Tools Your Business Needs


In 2020, conducting business has been hard enough to have to constantly worry that your business is going to be the victim of a cyberattack. Unfortunately, it is an issue that isn’t going away, and can be a truly devastating experience.  Today, it’s not enough to have an antivirus or firewall. You need solutions designed […]

Tip of the Week: What Happens when a Laptop is Left Plugged In?


Laptops have proven to be one of the more useful gadgets for businesses and business users. Not only do they hold their own in performance against a desktop, their portability is another consideration that cannot be ignored. However, this portability means that they are at least somewhat reliant on their battery, which begs the question: […]

Your Technology’s Batteries, Then and Now


The smartphone is quite possibly the most important invention of our era. As time has passed, these devices have only continued to improve. These improvements have led to ever-increasing demands on the batteries that power our devices… batteries that, for about a decade, have changed very little. Here, we’ll examine the batteries that power our […]

Smartphones Role In the Modern Workplace


Smartphones are everywhere. You go to the supermarket, people are on their phones, you go to the gym, people are on their phones. Go into the office? You guessed it…you see a lot of smartphone use that may not be in the best interest to organizational profitability. The question becomes, do smartphones help or hurt […]

Tip of the Week: Your Phone Can Work as Your Security Key


If you’re like most people nowadays, your mobile phone is currently well within your reach (and that’s assuming you aren’t reading this blog on it). The fact that most people keep their phone on them at all times has greatly contributed to these devices becoming a part of any given work-related process. One major way […]

Is Your BYOD Strategy About to Backfire?


Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, has become a very popular option for businesses seeking to save a bit of their budget on obtaining and maintaining devices for their employees. While this is an economically commendable practice, it has the potential to generate risks for your business if left unchecked. Let’s discuss the pros and […]

Tip of the Week: Is a Laptop the Best Fit for Your Employees?


In today’s working world, not using technology to work on your tasks can be seen as an oddity. Taking this into account, choosing the device that best suits your office’s work style is an important consideration to make. For this week’s tip, we’ll dive into some of the reasons that you may want to standardize […]

Tip of the Week: Locating a Misplaced Smartphone


The great thing about smartphones, in a business sense, is how portable they are – you can literally be productive almost anywhere. Unfortunately, this also means that they can be lost almost anywhere. Luckily, there just so happens to be a feature built into Android that can help you find yours. The Stakes Are High […]

As 2018 Ends, Mobile Cyberthreats Won’t


Mobile devices have made conducting business much more convenient, as the right application can allow transactions to be made from anywhere you may be reading this blog. However, this increased accessibility has come with a price – threats to mobile security – which requires any business to be aware of the state of cybersecurity, especially […]