Is Your Business Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Tech?

person typing on silver Macbook

Shiny new tech can be exciting! It promises increased efficiency, happier employees, and a competitive edge. It’s also necessary to stay competitive in today’s technology-driven business world. But that promise can turn into a financial nightmare if you neglect two important things. These are employee training and change management. You can end up losing money […]

Smart Tactics to Reduce Cloud Waste at Your Business

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Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate. It offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. But cloud services also come with a downside: cloud waste. Cloud waste is the unnecessary spending of resources and money on cloud services. These services are often not fully utilized or optimized. About 32% of cloud spending is wasted. This can […]

How Small Businesses Can Approach Workforce Technology Modernization

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Technology plays a pivotal role in driving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. For small businesses, workforce technology modernization is both an opportunity and a challenge. Embracing modern technology can empower small businesses. It can help them thrive in a digital era. Yet many of them don’t keep up with modernization. For example, over 30% of small […]

These 18 Sustainable Tech Habits Are a Win for Your Bottom Line

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In today’s world, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Businesses around the globe are increasingly embracing eco-friendly practices. This isn’t only for the positive impact on the environment. It’s also for the benefits they can bring to the bottom line. Sustainable technology habits are not only about reducing your carbon footprint. They’re also […]

These 5 Small Business Tech Trends Can Fuel Your Growth

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In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, small businesses have more opportunities than ever. Many of these call for leveraging technology to their advantage. Embracing the right tech trends can help businesses compete. It enables them to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and fuel growth. But it can be confusing knowing which routes to take. Most small […]

8 Reasons Every Company Is Now a Technology Company

person using MacBook Pro

Whether you sell shoes or run an accounting firm, you need some type of technology to operate. Today’s companies aren’t just in the business of selling their own goods and services anymore. They also must master various types of digital tools. These include software, payment systems, computers, Wi-Fi networks, mobile devices, and more. Companies also […]

How Is the Metaverse Going to Change Business?

Free illustrations of Metaverse

The new buzzword around town is “metaverse.” But what does that actually mean for businesses? Is it just something that social media companies need to be concerned about? According to people like Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, the metaverse is coming. He stated that “Life without AR will soon be unthinkable.” Whether that’s a short-term or […]

Hybrid Work Has Led to a Decrease in Necessary Office Space


With the COVID pandemic still affecting businesses all over the world, many are still considering remote and hybrid work operations. In fact, there are many employees who have yet to step back into the workplace in any capacity, meaning that workspaces previously well-populated are being underutilized. According to a 2022 Office Space survey conducted by […]

You Need to Address Risks Head On


Nowadays, there seems to be risks at every turn that can negatively impact your business. Obviously, some are more concerning than others, but ultimately you need to find solutions to every problem you have to ensure that it can run routinely, let alone efficiently. Let’s take a look at some of the risks the average […]

IT Consulting Brings Loads of Benefits to Your Business


IT consulting is one of the most valuable skills you can bring into the fold for your business. Yet, many business owners are not privy to the details of how it works and why. Simply the act of talking to a professional about something can save you countless headaches along the way. Let’s discuss some […]

Let’s Take a Look at 2023’s Business Trends


With 2023 sneaking up on us, you’ll need to consider the many challenges that businesses will face as we move into the new year. Many of these challenges can be remedied simply by implementing the right technology solutions, too! Inflation and Supply Chain Issues Will Linger COVID-19 has impacted the global economy on a scale […]

Our Experience Means Substantial Benefits for You and Your Business


Let me ask you a question: if you had a toilet that needed repairing, would you rather trust a plumber with a few decades of experience or a toddler that had just (mostly) learned how to use the toilet? That’s what we thought… but when it comes to your business’ technology, finding someone with experience […]

Hybrid Work Practices Can Stifle Inclusivity, If You Aren’t Careful


With plenty of benefits to be had from both in-house and remote operations, many companies have been working to take advantage of a hybrid approach to business. While this approach has proven greatly beneficial to businesses in assorted ways, there are a few drawbacks that need to be addressed. One major one: a lack of […]

Boost Your Business’ Confidence with Iron-Clad IT


Businesses have a lot of troubles to manage, one of which is their technology breaking down and interrupting their operations. You have options to ensure these circumstances do not influence your operations to the degree they once may have. Let’s discuss some of the ways you can address malfunctioning IT before it impacts your productivity. […]

How You Can Help Keep Your Employees Healthy in the Workplace?


Looking back at the past few years, it’s little wonder that many people have become more concerned about their health—particularly when it comes to the workplace and spending extended amounts of time in the vicinity of other people. This makes it important that you do everything you can to make your workplace a healthier and […]

How a Small Business Can Benefit from a Customer Relationship Management Platform


While it can be too easy to assume that specialized software, like customer relationship management (CRM) software is reserved exclusively for massive companies, there are a lot of benefits that small businesses can see from using it. Let’s take a look at some of these benefits now. A CRM Helps You Track (and Increase!) Your […]

Taking Advantage of Prime Day? What To Do With Your Old Technology


In the post Prime Day space, you might realize that you have purchased quite a few consumer electronics from the web retailer, and if you did, we hope you found some great deals that you can write home about. But before you throw out your old devices in favor of the new, we urge you […]

Why a Creative IT Team is an Asset to Seek Out


If you work with technology, then you are likely to have a good idea of what innovation is and isn’t. Innovation is born from creativity, and while it’s not often associated with business IT, there is something to be said for how technology professionals solve problems in a creative fashion, solving problems with solutions available […]

Are Tensions High at Your Business? How to Get Relief


There are countless stressors that must be taken into consideration for your business, but there are two that stand out as chiefly important during the workday: digital/workplace friction and interpersonal friction. What can you do to help make them less of a problem for your employees? Let’s examine what digital/workplace friction can do to disrupt […]

Know How Much is Needed to Ensure Your Business’ IT


It’s fair to say that, across the board, times have been particularly tough as of late for businesses. On top of businesses having to fight through the socioeconomic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the supply chain issues, they also have to juggle more data than ever. In short, businesses need reliable and cost-effective […]