Tech Term: Computer Forensics, Defined

Pop culture gives us an impression of what cyber investigations look like. Official-looking people, in impeccable suits, typing away at terminals and analyzing the data scrolling past them on their heads-up displays. In reality, computer forensics (as they are actually called) are a little less dramatic, and much more serious. For today’s tech term, we’ll […]
Perpetrators of Three Major Cyber Crimes Have Pled Guilty

Every so often, it’s nice to hear about when the good guys win and cybercriminals get their comeuppance. Three such cybercriminals have entered guilty pleas to charges related to major cybersecurity events. MiraiMirai was a malware strain that creates a botnet out of enslaved Internet of Things devices. By leveraging the resources of these IoT […]
Cybercriminals Who Use This Malware Will Get A Nasty Surprise

Do you know what a botnet is and how it works? It’s basically a network of infected computers that can be used to perform Distributed Denial of Service attacks, overloading target networks and forcing them to endure downtime. They can also be used to distribute malware and other threats. What’s worse than this, you ask? […]
Essential Cybersecurity Tips From The FBI

In 2016 former President of the United States Barack Obama passed the Cybersecurity National Action Plan that implemented near-term action and developed a longer-term strategy of bringing awareness and protections to public computing systems connected to the Internet. The strategy is to make an immediate effort to empower citizens to protect their own privacy, while […]
Step Aside Sherlock, Supercomputer Watson is Investigating Cybercrime

When it comes to solving crime few are as well renowned as Sherlock Holmes. However, now Watson is stepping forward to strike back against cyber criminals–but not Dr. Watson, Holmes’ faithful companion. Instead, we’re referring to Watson, IBM’s renowned supercomputer. After a year of being “trained” to spot cybercrime, Watson is now keeping an eye out […]
Hack a Hospital and Get Blacklisted By Other Hackers

Hackers are notorious for committing cybercrimes and exploiting what seems like everybody and anybody. Yet, just as there exists honor among thieves, there’s an unwritten rule within the hacking community: leave hospitals alone. Of course, if you’re familiar with the activity of hackers, then you’ve perhaps heard of stories of hospitals and healthcare institutions getting […]
For NATO, Cyberspace is Today’s Frontlines

It’s clear that security professionals have waged war with hackers since the Internet’s inception, but NATO has reaffirmed that cybersecurity is not just a localized problem; it’s a nation-state-wide issue, and one that needs to be addressed. Just like land, air, and sea, cyberspace is now an operational domain, a place that can be considered […]
Drugs, Assassins For Hire, Weapon Sales, and More: All Conveniently Found On the Web

The Internet is a fascinating and wonderful place full of great, informative resources and websites, but it’s also home to online markets for illegal and unethical practices. These hotbeds of criminal activity are a danger not only to your business, but to everyone who uses the Internet. Specifically, the Internet (or what’s known as the […]
Alert: New CryptoJoker Ransomware May Be the Worst Ransomware Yet

Modern ransomware is exceptionally dangerous, even by malware standards. Ransomware is capable of locking down important files on a victim’s computer, displaying a massive threat to both business professionals and their networks, as well as the average PC user. While other types of ransomware like CryptoLocker and CryptoWall are somewhat manageable, a new variant called […]